Eyes Can't Resist Beautiful People
Andrea Thompson
LiveScience Staff WriterLiveScience.com
Tue Sep 18, 10:40 AM ET
Whether we’re looking for someone to date or sizing up a potential rival, our eyes irresistibly lock on to good-looking people, a new study finds.
Participants, all heterosexual men and women, fixated on highly attractive people within the first half-second of seeing them. Single folks ogled the opposite sex, of course. But those in committed relationships more often eyed beautiful people of the same sex.
“If we’re interested in finding a mate, our attention gets quickly and automatically stuck on attractive members of the opposite sex,” explained study leader Jon Maner of the University of Florida. “If we’re jealous and worried about our partner cheating on us, attention gets quickly and automatically stuck on attractive people of our own sex because they are our competitors.”
Maner's research is based on the idea that evolution has primed our brains to subconsciously latch on to signs of physical attractiveness in others, both to find a mate and to guard him or her from potential competitors.
But this evolutionary trick is not without potential romantic peril. Even some people in committed relationships had trouble tearing their eyes away from attractive members of the opposite sex. On the other hand, fixating on attractive people of the same sex as rivals could contribute to feelings of insecurity.
Maner found that men prone to jealousy kept a close eye on attractive potential rivals.
“When it comes to concerns about infidelity, men are very attentive to highly attractive guys because presumably their wives or girlfriends may be too,” he said.
Maner's experiments, which flashed pictures of attractive men and women and average-looking men and women in front of participants and measured the time it took to shift their attention away from the image, surprisingly showed little difference between the sexes.
“Women paid just as much attention to men as men did to women,” Maner said.The study is detailed in the September issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
To me, a beautiful subject in a photograph looks great and makes the photo itself look good.
so I shot this great couple Jason and Allison a while back for their engagement photos- they were having a wedding in Mexico so they would not get to meet thier photographer until they arrived atthe resort. On a side not they said not to hire the photog at the resorts! go with one you have access to more frequently than the one there.
Here are some photos

This one you have to see up close!
ISBN: 978–0–9768627–4-1
Thoughts of superiority and having figured it all out, have been the accepted norm in the West for some time now. One only has to stop, look, and listen to realize this is not necessarily the case. Our “leaders” fall short every day without a clue. Luckily for us, we have Tim Warneka and his brother, Patrick, diligently working to change this with books like THE WAY OF LEADING PEOPLE. By taking the ancient wisdom of Lao Tzu, put forth in the Tao Te Ching(pro. Dow Duh Jing), and applying it to the modern architecture of current life, we get a chance to change this current way of thinking by becoming better, more informed leaders and over time, replacing those who currently “lead”.
Using Lao Tzu’s chosen format of verse, Tim and Patrick give us easily applicable versions of Master Tzu’s wisdom; “When leaders neither push nor pull/willingly, the people follow.”
As you read thru, choose a verse randomly or take them in order letting the ideas simply sit with you as you go about your day. As I learned when reading Tim’s LEADING PEOPLE THE BLACK BELT WAY, any job, any where, any time can benefit.
Absorbing the thoughts put forth allow yourself to ruminate on the real-life architecture that Patrick and Tim chose to frame the verses. Leadership is yet another part of life that is not black and white but subtle shades of gray. Patrick’s photographs can lead us thru the proffered wisdom “discovering the Way in-between” and developing the sense of strength and balance that great leadership thrives on.
Tim Warneka at 440.944.4746
P. O. Box 20, Cleveland, OH 44092
Tim@asogomi.com http://www.asogomi.com
Seeing the Light
Author’s Photograph Selected for International Photography Website
Cleveland, OH, -- June 12, 2007 – When professional photographer around the world need supplies, there’s one place they go: Calumet Photographic. This week Calumet selected Patrick Warneka’s photographic work entitled “Millennium Night” for their exclusive “Photo of the Week.” “I am honored to have my work listed with the outstanding photographers that frequent Calumet,” said Warneka, a professional photographer and co-author of the newly released The Way of Leading People: Unlocking Your Integral Leadership Skills with the Tao Te Ching.
“I am excited that others can share in the beauty that I see around us in our daily lives,” said Warneka, whose clients include Colgate, University of Michigan and others. “The photo that Calumet selected was very similar to my photos in The Way of Leading People,” he said. Warneka’s new book, co-authored with his brother Timothy H. Warneka, updates an ancient Chinese leadership text for today’s global culture.
Warneka, a professional photographer who lives in Chicago, Illinois, says that his passion involves photographing urban landscapes. “There’s something very powerful about the structures around us,” he noted. “When the light is right, it’s that power I capture in my pictures.”
To view Warneka’s “Millennium Night”, visit Calumet’s website at:
Warneka’s website can be found at:
More information about Warneka’s book can be found at:
Need an author or book cover picture? Download your complimentary photos at: http://www.asogomi.com/pressroom.html
Well I was about due for a good day! I check my email and I have U of Mich Asking about shooting an advertisement in the Chicago area. then bang! an email stating that one of my stock photos sold today. then later on, Another email looking for pricing of a Medical based shoot. Can I retire from this? No, Can I pay some bills? Yes. Remember you have to celebrate the little stuff.
Yeah Me!
Along with the articles about Lexus going upscale. I was reading that GE and Mens clothing ( suits) are also going upscale to follow the growing group of millionairs and baby boomers that want to spend some money. GE is adding 50% to their advertising budget. These ovens go for $5,000+ so we are not talking about a 600-$1,000 ovens on the market. Mens suits- designers have come out with a line that is 30% higher than their highest price suits on the market. Notice how that are not raising rates by $10 or $100, doing that can lead to failure. The suits that range from $2,000-$6,000 are not hand made, they are made from a pattern then tailored to each client. Looks like alot of companies are re-adjusting to the new economic class that is out there.
In the last week I have come across multiple articles about what I call trends in upscale pricing. Lexus Automobiles (Toyota- to the rest of the world) realized that the upper tier of the economy is growing. They wanted to get their cars into the hands of that growing group of millionaires. Lexus held parties with magazines like Vogue all around the country. The found that the Bentley, Rolls Royce, Ferrari, Aston Martin crowd liked their brand but did not buy it. What I gathered from the article is 1) they (Lexus) was priced too low. 2) they did not give the service that this target market expected. Lexus learned that these clients owned more than one car. Cars that complemented one another. So to sell to the Market, Lexus needed to give the level of service demanded and make sure that the model offered (which will probably cost about 2 times what a Lexus costs now.) fits in with the complete lifestyle of the client.
Microsofts X box game system. The Xbox 360 came out priced at $399.00, about 2 times the price of the original x box. Now they come out with an “elite” version. Yes, it has more gizmos but will price out at $480. Do you see a trend yet?
Recently, resort/ hotels in places like Aruba, Bahamas and Miami have started “gold clubs” or “royal club” levels of service. Separate pools, air conditioned restaurants, faster check in/out are some of the services this status will run an extra $50-$500.00 a night depending on the resort. Keep in mind this rate is above the already $480-$800.00 guests might be paying, so we are not talking about mid-market level of service to begin with here.
Hotels are responding to the unprecedented number of US millionaires and the large number of retiring baby boomers, with luxury room rates up 9% over the last year. This is the beginning of the trend towards pricing aimed at the high end market, with a lot of growth in the next few years. People will pay for quality services and products. If you are in the position where you are not making all the money you deserve from your work. It might be time to rethink your brand position in the market. The top market is growing larger every day, how much of that business do you want?
A smart business person will look at the methods that they use and see if it can be improved. if it can, maybe somebody else is looking for a solution - like the one you have created. find a need and Fill it. it is not always wise to rely on one single product. dervisify your business - Can you sell a method that you created for your business that others may pay for?
Here is the link (BLOG)
Along with that, here is another link to help you clear up your thinking about how to operate your business LIES! - what a great list that if you learn it can help you get your business profitable
Ask yourself, can this be duplicated? the process, steps, equipment? all of it? Can somebody learn how to do what I do? or not. If 80% of it can be learned, you now have a product that can make money for you when you are not shooting. If you had to teach a seminar, or create a CD, or book, What would you talk about? If you start to think about knowledge as a product, you can increase your income and sometimes make a passive form or revenue.
Build a business from the inside out.
Before you make numerous mistakes in the beginning of your business, it is a good idea for you to look into yourself and learn the signs that your body gives you about situations (and people) that are good for your business and the ones that are not. It is instinct. You know that “feeling” you get before things go wrong. If you don’t think you have instinct I have some good news for you. Everybody has instinct - it is primal. You can practice and hone your instinct.
As you go about your day, ask yourself how you feel about what you are doing and note what the outcome turns out to be. Once you are able to match up your feelings in a certain situation and the outcome patterns that occur, you will then be working on your instinct. the more "in tune" with your instinct that you are, the less bad decisions your will make in your business and life.
That is the new catch phrase. OK I have to admit, I started it. but i know it will catch on soon if not in the near future. Some of you know what I mean, for others let's back up a bit. Years ago men went to work at a job and their wives stayed home. Bills were paid and mouths were fed. Today a few jobs out there allow one person to work and support the whole family. I want you to have a successful business but ALSO diversify your income. this way if one source stops or drops off, you can still provide for your family and sleep at night.
Look around in the photography industry. Photographers teach classes, sell Cd's with actions, music or "tips". They give lectures and speak at conventions. Why? to share their knowledge yes, but also to diversify their income.
I would like to devote this site to photographers and how to diversify your income.
are delightful
I have been informed that the website ART.COM has selected my as one of thier top photographers of 2007 ! It is great to have my work recognized, but in the mean time I know they are making money off my work - Oh well, looks good on the resume.
are delightful
Well so far so good my billings so far have passed what I sold in 2006 total. Anyway I wanted to start a new blog for my Business. ( my other blogs are all personal, kind of a shame because I have about 3 years worth of writting on them)
so I hope you enjoy my Plog ( patrick's blog) I will update with some of the shoots that have kept me busy in Jan and Feb 07.